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Prashant's Voltron page, pay attention, or you just might miss something!!
Because obviously i will update this baby every day.
first of all, this is the opening scene to Voltron the defender
of the universe. If you are like me you probably are getting goosebumps
just by reading me write this, well let me state the important stuff, if
you are planning to link to this site to get the movie, please do not link
directly to this link, link to my homepage, secondly, this my take anywhere
from 10 minutes to 2 hours, depending on your computer, and your connection
speed, well here it is for you to download, but remember you need the quicktime
plugin, most browers already have it, but you just may need it, click below
to find out, if it works, enjoy, if it doesn't, sorry, you need to get
well, if you have already downloaded it or not, here are some pics
of our child hood hero....
well i hope you like what i've done so far, I've decided that this will be used only as a voltron page, and everything u see here is all that will be added here forever, and that since Forunecity is kind enough to gove me so much freakin space i will use it to store really large stuff instead of on my other page, so i hop u like what i have done.: